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      Recent,The company found that there are criminals & ldquo; Xi'an Financial Holding Co., Ltd. & rdquo; name,and used the name of our company、Certificate of filing and forgery of the official seal、Signature of the legal person,illegal activities engaged in agent financing loans,This behavior seriously infringes the legitimate rights and interests of Stake.comthe public,and have a bad impact on the company's reputation。Here,The company's solemn statement:
      (1) The company or personnel or personnel who use the company's name to conduct illegal activities have no connection,Never authorized any institution in the society、Any person to carry out various financing loans,Solemnly remind the public to be vigilant,Avoid being deceived。 
      (2) The company's foreign announcement、Notification、Business information only through the official website of Xi'an Financial Holdings Co., Ltd. (、Official WeChat public account and other channels release,Solemnly remind individuals and enterprises to increase their vigilance,Differential authenticity,Pay close attention to risks,Do not trust any other channel information,Protecting its legitimate rights and interests is not infringed。
      (3) The company reserves the right to take legal action for any institution or personnel who use the company's name illegal activity。
      (4) If you have caused individuals、The legitimate rights and interests of the enterprise are infringed,stake appCan report to the public security organs。
        Feels on this statement.

Xi'an Financial Holdings Co., Ltd.
December 8, 2023

All rights reserved Xi'an Financial Holdings Co., Ltd.
Shaanxi ICP No. 17009375 -1

stake app