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        May 15,Li Bin, general manager of Xi'an Financial Control Company, was invited to participate in & ldquo; local urban investment debt resolution and reform transformation and development forum hosted by Xi'an Industrial Finance Research Institute & rdquo;。The company's relevant responsible comrades,Business Management Department、Relevant personnel of the guarantee company participate。

        This forum invited a number of urban investment companies、Financial institutions、Experts and scholars' representatives,jointly stake appStake.comexplore the problems and countermeasures facing urban investment corporate debt and high -quality development。Wang Zhongmin, former vice chairman of the National Social Security Fund Council、Wang Mancang, director of the Department of Finance, School of Economics and Management of Northwest University、Three experts and scholars such as Chen Qiang, chairman of Yizhihang Consulting Group,Interpretation of Policy、Sunday debt path、Market -oriented transformation plan, etc.,Put forward a strategy for cracking the development of current local urban investment companies。The Stake app downloadStake.comforum also focused on the transformation of the diversified reform of urban StakeInvestment Enterprises for a round table dialogue,The guests of the conference will have a macroeconomic situation from different angles、Opportunities and challenges faced by local cities and transformation、Urban Investment Enterprise Development Paths and other topics conducted in -depth discussions。
        Next,Xi'an Financial Control Company will adhere to the development positioning of the regional financial industry comprehensive service provider,Actively perform industrial finance、Stake.comStakeIndustrial Investment、Industrial Service Mission,Further integrate local financial resources,Give full play to the advantages of financial coordination,Help regional industrial structure upgrade adjustment,Active contribution to the high -quality development of the regional economy。

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