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        On the afternoon of May 22,Dong Yun, General Manager of the Science and Technology Incubator of Northwest University、Zhang Ruiqi, Chairman of Xi'an Aviation Investment Talent Technology Company, visited and visited,Relevant responsible comrades with Xi'an Financial Control Company conducted discussions on joint promotion of cooperation in investment and financing business。Business Management Department、Lease Company、Relevant stake appStakepersonnel of the fund company participated。

        will be on,All parties on the company's development model、Business status quo、Exchange industry prospects,Discussion on follow -up cooperation focus。Dong Yun、Zhang Ruiqi said,Northwest University as the first national & ldquo; World -class discipline construction university & rdquo;、National & ldquo; 211 project & rdquo; Construction college,Neutralization in carbon、Chemistry and Materials、Multi -advantage in the development and application of industrial chain and stake loginother industrial chains Stake.comin large health,Industry technical advantages dense,Both parties have a broad prospect for cooperation。
        The company's relevant responsible comrades said,Rich in friends of Northwest University College,Covering national、Regional、Industry multi -dimensional platform resources,Talent introduction、High -tech enterprises and colleges and universities have unique advantages。Xi'an Financial Control Company as a professional regional financial service platform,In project financing、stake loginFund Investment、Industrial stake logininvestment and other aspects have extensive space for cooperation。
        Next,All parties will further strengthen communication,Focus on key industries and key items,Promoting business cooperation to the ground to work。

All rights reserved Xi'an Financial Holdings Co., Ltd. Address: Xi'an Ecological Zone Business Center Tel: 029-83597997
Shaanxi ICP No. 17009375 -1

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