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A skirt,Mail out from Xi'an Post,4984_5012。Now,Use the China -Europe Train (Xi'an),Order from customers to receiving goods,Time has shortened to 10 days。

With the in -depth advancement of the initiative & rdquo;,Xi'an Stakecross -border e -commerce with its rapid development,Become a new kinetic energy that promotes the increase in quality increase of foreign trade。The World Internet Conference Digital Silk Road Development Forum,More new vitality is injected into the development of Xi'an cross -border e -commerce,Start the new chapter of the online & ldquo; New Silk Road & rdquo;。

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Last month,A column drives out from Xi'an International Port,Full -load daily department store、Mechanical equipment、Central European trains (Xi'an),Arrived in Bayaku, Azerbaijan。Its starting point is a new dock in Xi'an International stake appPort & mdash; & mdash; Kazakhstan Xi'an Wharf。

As the first project invested by the Kazakhstan railway logistics as China,The terminal covers a total area of ​​about 100 acres,Total investment 165 million yuan,It mainly includes cargo warehouse、Container pile area,Quick link of the container loading and unloading area with Xi'an International Port,It can achieve & ldquo; Express and get & rdquo;。

More than 300 kilometers away,Located in Pingli County, Ankang City, the south of Qinling,The climate is warm,It is a famous tea county in Shaanxi and even northwest.。However, for a long time,Ankang's selenium -rich tea has not been widely known by the outside world,Not to mention entering the international market。

Deep cultivation industry for many years,Song Xiaohong, who is in the tea industry, knows the unique value and market potential of Ankang's selenium tea,Determine to push it to a wider stage。With the co -construction & ldquo; Belt and Road & rdquo; proposal and implementation,She thinks the opportunity is here!

On the one hand, lead the team to continuously cultivate technology research and market,Fill the gap in the development and production of tea in southern Shaanxi; on the other hand,Actively seek international cooperation,Promote the selenium -rich tea through various channels。With her unremitting efforts,Ankang's selenium -rich tea began to emerge in the international market。

As of the end of last year,Song Xiaohong's selenium -rich tea through offline+online Stakecross -border e -commerce sales platform,Exit to Kazakhstan、Belarus、Russia et al. & Ldquo; Belt and Road & rdquo; co -construction of the country,Cumulative export 60 million yuan。

Deputy Director of Xi'an Commerce Bureau、Li Qungang, deputy director of the Xi'an Management Committee of the Pilot Free Trade Zone,Shaanxi Free Trade Pilot Zone has been established for seven years,Xi'an region in the area of ​​& ldquo; Belt and Road & rdquo; economic cooperation and humanistic exchanges,boldly explored a group of reform and innovation experience with Xi'an characteristics。

Accelerate the construction of Silk Road E -commerce Center,Deepen cooperation with Cainiao Group,Create the country's first Stakecross -border e -commerce non -air business headquarters,Introduction of Jinchang Technology、Zhenzhi Technology、Nunlan and other 6 cross -border e -commerce companies with annual sales of over 100 million yuan。As of now,The park's cross -border e -commerce enterprises reached 320,Cross -border e -commerce special lines have more than 500 columns,Cross -border e -commerce transactions exceeded 10.2 billion yuan,The proportion of more than 60%in the city of Xi'an,& ldquo; Cross -border e -commerce+China -Europe trains & rdquo; It has become a new engine for trade growth。

strong support for the development of Stakecross -border e -commerce,Central and European trains (Xi'an) to deepen China and China cooperation、Promoting two -way logistics unblocked to play an important role。As of the end of 2023,Stake app downloadChina -EU trains (Xi'an) Cumulative cross -border e -commerce special list 525 column,The number of traffic nation is first。

Zhang Wenzheng, deputy director of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Commerce,Our province accelerate the construction of Silk Road E -commerce Center,Take the lead in the country to carry out Stakecross -border e -commerce bulk cargo railway business,Introduction of Cainiao International、Extreme Rabbit International、Dingdang Fast Medicine, including 3 global unicorn companies valued at 10 billion yuan。2023,129 companies completed 8.941 billion yuan in import and export under cross -border e -commerce item,increase 50%。

  Shaanxi Air & ldquo; Silk Road & rdquo;

At the same time,Silk Road & rdquo;。

April 10,Airport New City and French Post DPD Group signed a strategic cooperation document,It will open Xi'an to Budapest, Hungary, Full Freight Wire,Construction of the center of air operation (distribution) center。

As a subsidiary of the Fortune 500 French Post Group,DPD is the largest courier group in Europe,The largest international package distribution network covering more than 30 countries in Europe,More than 100,000 fast -piece sites,95%of Europeans reach the nearest express station within 15 minutes。

Xi'an to Budapest's full freight regular routes are planned to implement 104 flights in the whole year,2 rounds per week,It will bring about 6,000 tons of international goods for Xi'an each year。Hungary is located in central Europe, which is located in all directions,Is & ldquo; Belt and Road & rdquo; Important member stake logincountries,Open the route,It will also further enhance the business exchanges and good interaction between Shaanxi and China and Europe。

other,French Post DPD International Air Transport (Dial -Det) Center Project,It will also realize the rich international logistics and supply chain resources of France and the eight national open functions of the Airport New City (Linking Air、Free Trade、Bonded、Cross -border、Port、Sailing right、Hub、Cold Chain) organic binding,Main international express delivery、Stakecross -border e -commerce import and export business and international flight transaction settlement、Sub -trade and other businesses。

Digital Silk Road Development Forum of the World Internet Conference,Interconnection with & ldquo; Common prosperity & rdquo;,In -depth exchanges and discussion around multiple issues。Xi'an Stakecross -border e -commerce enterprises will be more open,Actively participate in international competition and cooperation,Efforts to create an international brand of cross -border e -commerce,Make greater contributions to promoting global trade prosperity。

All rights reserved Xi'an Financial Holdings Co., Ltd. Address: Xi'an City Ecological Zone Business Center Tel: 029-83597997
Shaanxi ICP No. 17009375 -1

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