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For the "Administrative Measures for the Issuance of the Central Enterprise Bonds" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"),Relevant person in charge of the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission will be explained in detail on May 30,Point out that "Measures" adapt to the actual development of the bond market,The scope of optimization management,Expand the scope of bond issuance management into corporate credit bonds issued by enterprises in various stake loginbond markets,Realize the full coverage of various types of bonds; change a batch of ways to change the previous thing,Combining central enterprise bond issuance with budget management,Implement annual planning management; strengthen the full process control of bonds,The prevention of preventing bond default risks as the top priority and bottom line of the top line of debt risk control。

"Measures" clear,Bonds mentioned in this Measures,refers to the company's credit bonds issued by central enterprises and their subsidiaries at all levels in the domestic and foreign bond markets,Including corporate bonds、Corporate Bond、Non -financial corporate debt financing tools、Financial debt, etc. (excluding REITs)。Central enterprises at all levels refer to state -owned and state -owned controlling enterprises at all levels、State -owned actual control enterprise (including overseas enterprises)。
Relevant person in charge of the SASAC pointed out,In recent years, my country's bond market has developed rapidly,The current management method of issuing debt issuance of central enterprises is gradually increasingly adapted with the actual Stakesituation of state -owned state -owned enterprises' reform and the current status of the bond market,It is mainly reflected in three aspects: First, the coverage of the regulatory range is insufficient,The current system that has not developed rapidly in the past few years is incorporated into the management scope; the second is that the approval efficiency needs to be improved,There are high frequency of approval by the current approval method、Long cycle and other questions,Not conducive to the opportunity for central enterprises to make good use of the bond market registration system、Flexible grasp of the bond issuance window; third, insufficient supervision after the incident,The current system focuses on bond issuance approval,Management of corporate bond issuance、During the issue of bond issuance, there is no specific specification for supervision,Unclear requirements for redemption risk management and control after bond issuance。
For this,The State -owned Assets Supervision Commission has formulated and issued the "Measures"。2023 is the first year of the "Measures"。According to regulations,Central enterprises Stake.commust combine the annual financial budget,Scientific Formulation Group Corporation and its subsidiaries annual bond issuance plan,And before the end of June 2023, the relevant materials of the annual bond issuance plan of the group company (if yes) are reported to the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission for approval,Submit the annual bond issuance plan of the child enterprise (if any), submit it to the State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (Property Bureau) for filing。
The relevant person in charge above said,Central enterprises should establish a bond issuance main body identification mechanism,Based on the actual situation of the enterprise, the subsidiaries standard or list that can issue bonds can be issued;、Carbon neutralized and carbon -peak bonds and other innovative varieties,Serving a major national strategy of the country; doing a good job of research and judgment of the overseas bond market financing environment,Combining cost changes to do a good job of the issuance of overseas bonds; familiar with and make good use of the SASAC's comprehensive information system,Report the relevant information in time。
stake app"Measures" stipulate,The State -owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission mainly develops funds from the main business of enterprises、Company governance mechanism、Asset -liability level、Construction of risk prevention and control mechanism,Review and approve the annual bond issuance plan of the Central Enterprise Group Company,Strictly control the asset -liability ratio exceeding the alarm line、Continuous operation loss、The issuance amount of central enterprise bonds with a negative cash flow of business activities。The SASAC will focus on the annual bond issuance plan and annual financial budget、The association of the annual investment plan,Asset -liability rate management and control situation,Bond payment arrangements, etc.。

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