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State -owned Daping Dating period and part of the long -term limited deposit interest rate to open a new round of reduction。June 8,"Economic Reference Daily" reporter learned from the bank outlets and app inquiries,Six major banks have downgraded on daily deposits and some long -term limited deposit interest rates,The amplitude ranges from 10-15 basis points。

Industry insiders said,Large -scale commercial banks re -reduce the deposit interest rate,It is a manifestation of the role of market -oriented adjustment mechanism for deposit interest rates,It is conducive to the cost of liabilities and maintenance of bank voltage liabilities and maintain steady development,Enhanced its ability to serve the real economy。
According to the situation of the reporter's interview,ICBC、Agricultural Bank、China Bank、CCB、Six major banks of the Bank of Communications and Postal Savings Bank this adjustment range and adjusted deposit listing interest rates are not much different。Most banks' current deposit interest rates are adjusted from 0.25%to 0.20%,Fall 5 basis points; two -year、Three -year period、Five -year deposit interest rates are from 2.15%、2.60%、2.65%down to 2.05%、2.45%、2.50%,The lowering range is 10 basis points、15 basis points and 15 basis points。
Current,Except for postal savings banks,Damous deposits of major banks、The level of the reorganization and the listing interest rate is the same。Postal Savings Bank's deposit for six months、One -year regular listing interest rate is slightly higher,1.46%and 1.68%。
Another,At present, some banks' deposit execution interest rate relative listing interest rate,There will be a certain interest rate to float。A staff member of a certain outlet of Agricultural stake appBank of China said,At present, the bank's entire deposit in Beijing is two -year、Three -year period、Five -year deposit interest rate can float to 2.3%、2.85%and 2.90%。
April 2022,The People's Bank of China guiding interest rate self -discipline mechanism has established a market -oriented adjustment mechanism for deposit interest rates,Members of the Self -Regulatory Mechanism Bank refer to the interest rate of bond market represented by 10 -year Treasury yields and the loan market interest rate for one -year LPR,Reasonably adjust the level of deposit interest rate。After the establishment of the new mechanism,September last year,Six major national banks and some joint -stock banks have lowered deposit interest rates,Since April this year,There are some joint -stock banks and many small and medium banks to reduce deposit interest rates。
& ldquo; Large -scale commercial banks have lowered the deposit interest rate of deposits again,It is the specific manifestation of the market -oriented adjustment mechanism of deposit interest rates.,Following policy -oriented。& rdquo; The chief researcher of Zhaolian Finance Dong Ximiao analyzed the analysis。
Deposit interest rate adjustment,It also helps to promote the stable operation of commercial banks,Enhanced its ability to support the real economy。Data display,The net interest difference between commercial banks in the first quarter of this year narrowed 17 basis points to 1.74%。The net profit of commercial banks in the first quarter increased by only 1.3%year -on -year,The growth rate decreased by 6.1 per percentage points year -on -year。
& ldquo; The narrowing of bank interest deviations and the growth rate of net profit decline,It is related to the continuous reduction of the bank's fee to make interest,But the sustainability that affects the cost of reducing the cost of real economy,It will also affect the bank's endogenous capital supplementary ability。Dexter deposit interest rate、Voltage liabilities delay the narrowing pressure of interest differences、Maintain a stable development trend,It is still necessary at present。& rdquo; Dong Ximiao said。
A special researcher at the National Financial and Development Lab Ren Tao believes,If you consider the erosion of the asset quality to the erosion space of the spread space,Most commercial banks have a very thin interest space,The spread of the deposit and loan of some banks may even have upside stake appdown,In this case, you need to take care of liabilities to stabilize the interest space of commercial banks,The ability to maintain the real economy and resolve risks to maintain commercial banks。
Looking forward to the future,Dong Ximiao said,Large -scale commercial banks are the main body of my country's banking industry,The scale of liabilities accounts for nearly half of the industry,Has a pivotal market influence。After the large commercial bank has lowered the deposit interest rate of the deposit,,It is expected that small and medium -sized banks will follow up to reduce the deposit interest rate。But different banks' asset -liability structure、Market competition is large,Different pricing strategies for deposit interest rates,Subsequent other banks downgraded the amplitude of deposit interest rates、The rhythm will not be completely consistent。
Dong Ximiao pointed out,In the future for a while,deposit interest rates are still possible to continue to decline。After the cost of liabilities decreases,Or it will be passed to the asset side,Promoting the loan interest rate is stable and reduced。but but,Considering that the current loan interest rate is already at a low level,The space for future decline is relatively limited。In the current background,The majority of residents need to balance risks and benefits,Comprehensive allocation of assets、Wealth Management Products and Monetary Fund, etc.。State -owned Daping Dating period and part of the long -term limited deposit interest rate to open a new round of reduction。June 8,"Economic Reference Daily" reporter learned from the bank outlets and app inquiries,Six major banks have downgraded on daily deposits and some long -term limited deposit interest rates,The amplitude ranges from 10-15 basis points。
Industry insiders said,Large -scale commercial banks re -reduce the deposit interest rate,It is a manifestation of the role of market -oriented adjustment mechanism for deposit interest rates,It is conducive to the cost of liabilities and maintenance of bank voltage liabilities and maintain steady development,Enhanced its ability to serve the real economy。
According to the situation of the reporter's interview,ICBC、Agricultural Bank、China Bank、CCB、Six major banks of the Bank of Communications and Postal Savings Bank this adjustment range and adjusted deposit listing interest rates are not much different。Most banks' current deposit interest rates are adjusted from 0.25%to 0.20%,Fall 5 basis points; two -year、Three -year period、Five -year deposit interest rates are from 2.15%、2.60%、2.65%down to 2.05%、2.45%、2.50%,The lowering range is 10 basis points、15 basis points and 15 basis points。
Current,Except for postal savings banks,Damous deposits of major banks、The level of the reorganization and the listing interest rate is the same。Postal Savings Bank's deposit for six months、One -year regular listing interest rate is slightly higher,1.46%and 1.68%。
Another,At present, some banks' deposit execution interest rate relative listing interest rate,There will be a certain interest rate to float。A staff member of a certain outlet of Agricultural stake appBank of China said,At present, the bank's entire deposit in Beijing is two -year、Three -year period、Five -year deposit interest rate can float to 2.3%、2.85%and 2.90%。
April 2022,The People's Bank of China guiding interest rate self -discipline mechanism has established a market -oriented adjustment mechanism for deposit interest rates,Members of the Self -Regulatory Mechanism Bank refer to the interest rate of bond market represented by 10 -year Treasury yields and the loan market interest rate for one -year LPR,Reasonably adjust the level of deposit interest rate。After the establishment of the new mechanism,September last year,Six major national banks and some joint -stock banks have lowered deposit interest rates,Since April this year,There are some joint -stock banks and many small and medium banks to reduce deposit interest rates。
& ldquo; Large -scale commercial banks have lowered the deposit interest rate of deposits again,It is the specific manifestation of the market -oriented adjustment mechanism of deposit interest rates.,Following policy -oriented。& rdquo; The chief researcher of Zhaolian Finance Dong Ximiao analyzed the analysis。
Deposit interest rate adjustment,It also helps to promote the stable operation of commercial banks,Enhanced its ability to support the real economy。Data display,The net interest difference between commercial banks in the first quarter of this year narrowed 17 basis points to 1.74%。The net profit of commercial banks in the first quarter increased by only 1.3%year -on -year,The growth rate decreased by 6.1 per percentage points year -on -year。
& ldquo; The narrowing of bank interest deviations and the growth rate of net profit decline,It is related to the continuous reduction of the bank's fee to make interest,But the sustainability that affects the cost of reducing the cost of real economy,It will also affect the bank's endogenous capital supplementary ability。Dexter deposit interest rate、Voltage liabilities delay the narrowing pressure of interest differences、Maintain a stable development trend,It is still necessary at present。& rdquo; Dong Ximiao said。
A special researcher at the National Financial and Development Lab Ren Tao believes,If you consider the erosion of the asset quality to the erosion space of the spread space,Most commercial banks have a very thin interest space,The spread of the deposit and loan of some banks may even have upside stake appdown,In this case, you need to take care of liabilities to stabilize the interest space of commercial banks,The ability to maintain the real economy and resolve risks to maintain commercial banks。
Looking forward to the future,Dong Ximiao said,Large -scale commercial banks are the main body of my country's banking industry,The scale of liabilities accounts for nearly half of the industry,Has a pivotal market influence。After the large commercial bank has lowered the deposit interest rate of the deposit,,It is expected that small and medium -sized banks will follow up to reduce the deposit interest rate。But different banks' asset -liability structure、Market competition is large,Different pricing strategies for deposit interest rates,Subsequent other banks downgraded the amplitude of deposit interest rates、The rhythm will not be completely consistent。
Dong Ximiao pointed out,In the future for a while,deposit interest rates are still possible to continue to decline。After the cost of liabilities decreases,Or it will be passed to the asset side,Promoting the loan interest rate is stable and reduced。but but,Considering that the current loan interest rate is already at a low level,The space for future decline is relatively limited。In the current background,The majority of residents need to balance risks and benefits,Comprehensive allocation of assets、Wealth Management Products and Monetary Fund, etc.。

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Shaanxi ICP No. 17009375 -1

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