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March 13,The Party Committee of the General Administration of Finance Supervision held a expansion meeting,Drives the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping during the National Two Sessions and the spirit of the two sessions of the country,Research and deployment implementation measures。Meeting requirements,strong orderly preventing and resolving financial risks,Resolutely regulate & ldquo; long teeth ribbon & rdquo;、There are edges and corners,Continue to improve Stake app downloadthe quality of the real economy。Where,In terms of preventive risk,Meeting requirements,Promoting a virtuous cycle of financial and real estate,Accelerate the implementation of urban Stake.comStake.comreal estate financing coordination mechanisms to take effect,Improve the project & ldquo; white list & rdquo; docking efficiency。

Meeting thinks,The important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping,From the overall and strategic height of the overall construction of a socialist modern country,Deeply explained a series of major theories and practical problems,Direction direction for the work of the current and in the future、It provides an important follow -up。It is necessary to unify the mind and action to the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech.,Consciously should be the executive of the party's central decision -making and deployment、Action School、Struggle,A firm support for actual actions & ldquo; two establishing & rdquo;,Resolutely achieve & ldquo; two maintenance & rdquo;。

Meeting representation,We must effectively and orderly prevent and resolve financial risks。Fully promote the reform of small and medium -sized financial institutions,Plan、Practice work in the steps,Find the bottom line that does not occur without systemic financial risks。Promoting a virtuous cycle of financial and real estate,Accelerate the implementation of urban Stake.comStake.comreal estate financing coordination mechanisms to take effect,Improve the project & ldquo; white list & rdquo; docking efficiency,One treaty to meet the reasonable Stakefinancing needs of different ownership real estate companies,Vigorously support Stake app downloadaffordable housing & ldquo; three major projects & rdquo; construction,Promote the new model of real estate development。Cooperate with preventing and resolving local debt risks,Guiding bank insurance institutions to carry out debt restructuring in accordance with marketization、Replace。

To resolutely regulate & ldquo;、There are edges and corners。The meeting is proposed,Efforts to strengthen the construction of the rule of law for financial supervision,Speed ​​up to make up for shortcomings,Directly investigating and punishing & ldquo; Key things & rdquo; & ldquo; key person & rdquo; & ldquo; key behavior & rdquo;,True the board、Affairs。Improve the risk prevention and control mechanism,Early recognition、Early early warning、Early exposure、Early disposal。Get the lead to establish supervision responsibility and belong to the ownership and pocket supervision mechanism,Promoting the implementation of & ldquo; if you are legal, we must manage illegal il & rdquo; & ldquo;,Strict cracking down on illegal financial activities。Further strengthen the coordination of the central and land,Really achieve the same responsibility、Answer the same question、Exercise in the same direction。

We must continue to improve Stake app downloadthe quality of the real economy。Meeting requirements,Fully do five big articles,stake appChanglong capital assets & ldquo; Sanzi & rdquo; cycle。Take the new service new product product for new quality as the key point,Increase financial support for the construction of a modern industrial system,Help the cultivation of emerging industries、Future Industry,Support traditional industry transformation and upgrade。Actively promote new consumption and traditional consumption,Increase major national projects、Funds of key projects,Provide more targeted foreign trade financial services。Promoting small and micro、Increased loan in private enterprises expand。strong service of people's livelihood protection,Speed ​​up the third pillar of nursing shortcomings,Actively develop agricultural insurance、Disaster Insurance,Continuous improvement of insurance protection capabilities。

To persevere and deepen the party。Meeting requirements,The banner clearly strengthens political construction,Strictly implement the main responsibility of party organizations at all levels and & ldquo;,Constantly improving the quality of party building work。Normalization、Long -lasting grasp the central inspection and rectification,Strengthen supervision,Truth is really hard、Specimen Stake app downloadand Treatment,Ensure that the rectification requirements are implemented in place。Stake.comfirmly unwavering, righteousness and anti -corruption,Deepen the spirit of the eight regulations of the Central Committee,Continue to create a good political ecology with a clear and clear air。Strengthen the construction of the cadre team,In -depth implementation & ldquo; four new & rdquo; project,Promoting the spirit of the officer's entrepreneurship。

Meeting representation,Perform solidly promoting the spirit of the two sessions to implement related work。Carefully do a good job of the task of the "Government Work Report",Clarify the responsible unit and the time limit for handling,Grasp the supervision and supervision。Leading department must do their best to grasp the total,Step in the hoof step steadily。The participating department must establish & ldquo; a plate of chess & rdquo; consciousness,Active responsibility,Reinforcement synergy。High -quality and efficient handling proposals for the two sessions,Optimized handling mechanism,Doing and doing details,Really turn the proposal processing process into an enhanced understanding、The process of condensing consensus,Continuously increase satisfaction。

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