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The People's Bank of China announced on April 7 that the establishment of scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation and re -loan & mdash; & mdash; quota 500 billion yuan,interest rate 1.75%,Term 1 year,2 times can be exhibited,1 year of each exhibition period,60%of the loan principal issued re -loan to financial institutions。

This new structural monetary policy tool,It is another measure to implement the National Conference on promoting a new round of large -scale equipment renewal and consumer goods.,It will motivate and Stake.comguide financial institutions to increase technology -based SMEs、Financial support for technological transformation and equipment renewal project in key areas。

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The new tool is the policy continuation of the original scientific and technological innovation re -loan and equipment renewal and renovation.。The People's Bank of China said,Reform and improve on the basis of summing up the experience of two tools,better satisfy scientific and technological innovation、Financial demand in the field of technical transformation and equipment renewal。

According to the information previously disclosed by the People's Bank of China,Scientific and technological innovation re -loan、Equipment update and reconstruction special re -loan, etc., has expired,Stock funds continue to play a role。At the end of 2023,The balance of the two tools is 255.6 billion yuan, respectively、156.7 billion yuan。

& ldquo; This is the central bank's adjustment and optimization of structural monetary policy tools,Stake.comguide financial institutions to increase major strategies、Powerful measures for supporting services in key areas and weak links。& rdquo; Dong Ximiao, chief researcher at Zhaocheng, said,The object of the new tool、Interest rate、Details, etc. are consistent Stakewith the two original special re -loans。New tools provide financial institutions with low cost stable funds,helps to guide financial institutions to increase support for scientific and technological innovation and technology -based enterprises,Pry more social funds to invest in scientific and technological innovation。

  Support the initial creation and growth period of technology -based small and medium -sized enterprises

The People's Bank of China said,The establishment of new tools will help Stake.comguide financial institutions in independent decisions、Under the premise of self -risk,To the beginning of the beginning、Technology -based SMEs,Digitalization in key areas、Intelligent、High -end、Green Technology Transformation and Equipment Update Project Provide Credit Support。

Chief Economist of CITIC Securities clearly believes,Establishing scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation and re -loan,It is expected to stimulate related industrial financing needs,Implement a new round of equipment update and transformation and consumer goods with new deployment,Promoting economic continuous restoration。You can put the basic currency to the market through re -loan,It is also expected to promote social merger growth。

Reporter noticed,Scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation re -loan issuance objects Stake.comare 21 financial institutions,Including policy banks、State -owned Commercial Bank、joint -stock commercial banks, etc.。

Financial institutions are based on enterprise applications,Reference list and project list of reference to the industry authorities,According to the principle of risk,Whether the independent decision -making is issued and the loan conditions are issued。Financial institutions apply for re -loan from the central bank,The central bank will review the loan account,For loans that meet the requirements in the list of the enterprise or the project list,60%of the loan principal issued re -loan to financial institutions。

Dong Ximiao said,Scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation re -loan according to & ldquo; first loan and then borrow & rdquo; direct mechanism,Organize the principle of marketization with policy support,It will further increase the enthusiasm of financial institutions to support service scientific and technological innovation and large -scale equipment update on the premise of preventing risks。

Obviously,From 2020, the implementation of the loan from 2020,Re -loan quota increase has an immediate effect on the stimulation of loans,At the same time, it effectively reduces the financing cost of physical enterprises。Compared with the bank directly issued a loan,StakeThe biggest feature of the re -loan is to ensure that the direct nature of the financial institution supports the real economy、Accuracy and effectiveness。At the same time,Compared to ordinary loans,Re -loan can also release the basic currency through the central bank,It plays a role in regulating the supply of currency。In addition,Re -loan can reduce bank funds,Reduce the cost of capital,Let the bank retain the credit quota continue to support key areas。

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