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To further enhance the communication of cadres and employees,Active working atmosphere,On the afternoon of May 24,Golden Control Company organized the theme of & ldquo at the Xiaofu Restaurant;。All departments、More than 60 subsidiaries participated。

This competition,There are 6 categories of groups and individual competitions in 6 projects,Among them, there are explosive balloons in the group match、Jump rope three swords guests、Circle Relay Race,Personal Stake.comcompetition has a relaxed two -game jump、Cross the river with the stones、Return the piglet into the circle。Before the start of the game,The contestants are full of enthusiasm、Try to try,Practicing on the spot、There is a discussion of countermeasures,Make the atmosphere of the event scene extremely happy。
With a referee whistle,Competition players according to the rules of the game,Take a turn in turn,Fierce competition,Whether in a personal or group competition,Everyone all shows my best、Stubborn hard work will and encourage each other、Team collaboration Stakespirit that never gives up,Winning the applause and applause of the scene,Push the entire game atmosphere to orgasm。After fierce competition,Finally Factoring Company won the first prize of the team competition,Guarantee Company Ren Hai、Liu Bailiang and Factory Zou Jinzheng won the first prize of the personal competition。
This event,Not only fully demonstrated the active upward of all cadres and employees、The spiritual style of unity and cooperation,More everyone increases communication、Concentration consensus、Strengthening cooperation provides a Stake app downloadgood platform。Everyone said,It will be motivated with this event,Effectively transform the sporting spirit shown in the game into work motivation,Duties of investing in the job with all your heart,Efforts to sprint & ldquo; Double half & rdquo; contribution strength。

All rights reserved Xi'an Financial Holdings Co., Ltd. Address: Xi'an Ecological Zone Business Center Tel: 029-83597997
Shaanxi ICP No. 17009375 -1

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